
It was a rainy day but there were joyful coincidences during the day. It made me smile all day long. Then I doodled with joy. Fun. We are ready to count down for 2025!

My driveway is long. I wanted to put Christmas lights on the fence, I wanted always. However I always gave it up because I had no idea how I get electricity to the fence from the house. This year was different! I put some lights on the fence! Can you guess how I did??

Do you think the time would come eventually when our son could become photogenic, smiling at cameras naturally?? I often wonder.

It's his birthday!!! I was so glad that we went for handcycling/cycling the day before his birthday. Rain always blocks our activities outside of our house. We couldn't miss the chance to pedal. Plus it was unbelievably warm. It's like "We cannot live without outside rides". We were happy.

Title: “I never master Bike-Roller, never.”
My husband’s indoor handcycle training journey started in January 2023. How did it start?
A bike roller. It’s a very basic trainer, I believe. I wrote a bithere. See 1/14/2023.
Please laugh at me. I never have tried to be on this roller….. since. I am scared, simply I have a fear.
It’s supposed to be like this. It is an indoor bike training. Yes. So elegant, so smooth, so looking cool.
But I just see what I would do, like this.
Well, will I ever try to be on the roller someday in future??? Hmmmmm I don’t think so. Would you like to try?
photos from Jan 2023. 2 years ago.

Entry#342. 12/27/2024.
You might wonder “What does it look like indoor bike/handcycle training?” I had no idea about it until my husband taught me several options (styles) of indoor bike training.
After learning very basic, he taught me about two trainers.
Direct Drive

He set up “Direct Drive” trainer first in our house. It was for his up-right handcycle. The front wheel has to be removed to set up. You know? I am still not so comfortable with this “removal” process. But I have to practice it until I’m familiar with it really.
This setting was last winter season. It worked. He was satisfied. Photo below was last winter.

However he wanted to use his racer-handcycle (lower seating one) for indoor training in this winter. There was a bit complication between this handcycle and Direct Drive trainer. So he set up “Wheel-on” trainer this time.
I like this trainer better just because I don’t need to take off the front wheel. Setting up is way easier than last season. I could do back and forth easily.
Only thing I really need to be careful and focus is “pumping up the front tire to the maximum PSI EVERY TIME he does training”. I must do this seriously. Never forget.
It’s gonna be a good winter training this time. Fingers crossed.

Merry merry Christmas! I think I love Christmas (Japanese people spend Christmas Day as a not-so-much special day.... funny.) I think back of Ranger (our boy-dog who passed 12/07/2023.) often. It's always a small celebration of "family of 3" here in Oxford. I love our time.

I'm listening to my favorites of Christmas/winter songs. What's yours?
I give my mother in Japan some requests. "Take a photo of you and show me." "Go for a walk with dad." "You need to be in a photo with your granddaughters." Like that. Sometimes it gets too many. But most of the time, she tries. I'm grateful for her efforts really. She made a handmade Christmas wreath. She sent a photo of her holding her wreath, just like my request (!). She asked my father to take a photo for her. It worked pretty well. I love her creation very much.
I asked her "Tell dad I need to see a photo of him, too." Can you guess his answer?
Well, I haven't received that photo yet.

Entry#341. 12/21/2024.
I used to work at the local middle school/ high school library as an assistant librarian although I didn’t have any degree of librarian certification. I was an educational assistant (EA). I learned a lot from my mentor librarians. I loved my job a lot.
I had a chance to attend the gathering for the middle school staffs. I reunited with teachers who I worked with and I saw new ones as well. Old great memories came back to me right away. They all looked great. I admire them a lot. I needed to look back on the old photos from November 2021 (4 months later from my husband’s injury).
At that time, I was really into drawing chalk messages on sidewalks. It was like an addiction. I was on the leaves from my job duty since I had to stay home to help my husband’s daily routines. I wanted to send a message to my coworkers (teachers and staffs) so I went there to draw chalk messages on the sidewalk. I didn’t expect any response at all. It was for my satisfaction. One direction only. Then I got photos by an email. Teachers gathered and took a group picture in front of my message for me, after school. I jumped up with joy literally. I resigned from my EA job at the end of December 2021.
I’m grateful that I can still send some cheers to teachers and staffs. And, yes, it was wonderful to see their faces again last night. It was really.

My mother and her local choir group in Japan have Christmas songs to sing in this holiday season, of course. I asked her about the list of songs. She said “The most of them are 賛美歌 さんびか hymns.” Yes, she is right. Surprisingly I remember them from my childhood choir time.
You would be curious, I’m sure. Listen to these videos below. You might raise an eyebrow.
The first two videos: Morobito kozorite もろびと こぞりて
The third one: Makibito hitsuji wo. まきびと ひつじを
How was that? You noticed the tunes, didn’t you? Yes, “Joy to the world” and “The First Noel” indeed. Those are Japanese versions. In Japanese. However it’s not exact complete translation.
Sounds a bit strange though, because most of Japanese people, we are not so religious. But we do sing those songs as “Christmas songs”. When I was a kid, I didn’t care meanings of words at all.
It’s written in old Japanese words which we don’t use them now. (But I do remember the lyrics still.)
In case you wonder, here is a link.
This site says; "I think it's fair to say that morobito and kozoru are extinct."
Funny thing is I was shocked realizing the song I used to sing was the same song as Joy to the World. I should know better.
photos: I’m thinking back to the local high school awesome choir groups! Old memorable pictures.

I challenged my husband’s crews to a game “Chase me” (Flashpad 2.0) at the lab party. Basically you need to touch “red light” as quick as possible. Don’t touch green light. Whoever gets high score wins. They had to beat my score. It was fun more than I expected. I will accept your challenge anytime. Just come and play.

Entry#340. 12/18/2024.
My husband’s lab gathering was established a bit by bit with his wit, humor and playful spirit since 2008 when he got his own lab in Miami U biology department. Having own lab is exciting and wonderful. It was really. (So as having our own first house, too, in 2008.) We have twice a year, winter and spring. It’s always at the end of semester. December and May.
We used to have a billiard table and a darts board in our house. People always gather around the billiard table and start playing before you know it. Same as the darts. It was just a natural way to having time together. Also my husband got several fun outdoor stuffs, more stuffs each year. Frisbee (Kan jam), disc golf, badminton, slacklining and handmade climbing on tree trunk (and so on).
Giant Jenga, too!
We used to have plenty games both in December
and May. I never worried about the selections of games. It was all for everyone.
photos: billiard game. darts game. Slackline. Climbing.

Then my husband’s injury happened in Summer 2021. He decided to have his crews in our house in May 2022 because we had to send off two crews. It was farewell party for them.
I didn’t say anything to my husband. But I was nervous. I pretended to act normal.
We adjusted room settings (inside) because of wheelchair maneuverability. Couldn’t set up the big table freely (wheelchair movability and seating position). He had another wheelchair with off-road tires, but it was not so casual and quick to transfer/set-up (back and forth). That said he could not go to backyard casually. At that point, I had to think “things we can do and things we cannot do”. And I was thinking “I need to inform his crews about that beforehand.” I secretly sent emails to his crews about my concerns.
After all, I didn’t need to worry about it at all. But I was really serious about it and worried a lot.
photos: We introduced a handcycle to everyone in 2022. giant jenga (My husband tried to play in 2023.It was tricky.) frisbee outside. (He tried this, too. 2023)

"There are some things that people aren’t in wheelchairs don’t think about."
This phrase stays in my mind always. Now still. I started thinking about things with a wheelchair user’s view. I don’t realize some parts with normal thinking, though.
Years passed. He adapted to many things. He changed some ways of doing things. He found new things and new ways. I’m not worried about games anymore. He keeps introducing new games to his crews. (Sometimes “old games” as well.)
In case you wonder, here are games we played at the lab party this time. There were full of laughter during the party. It was such a blast. I can say that.
Yamma: Spinning 4-in-a-Row Game in 3D
Ring Toss Game

I love a snail mail. Emailing is very convenient, easy and quick. And I prefer to email than phone call to communicate in English frequently. (Yes, I like an email.) But a snail mail is more like special and joyful to me. I send snail mails to Japan and I got the idea of how many days to reach my home town or my husband's home town. (Yes, I've been doing that since 2001 when we moved into the States.)
Also I had an experience of "almost lost a mail" once. The regular mail (letter in an envelope) was traveling to India instead of Japan, then took one and half months to reach the destination city (Wakayama). It was very strange. But sometimes I have to accept the unlucky "It's missing." maybe(?) for a regular mail.
The recent mail to Wakayama took 15 days to arrive (to my husband's mother). I was relieved to hear that even though it took more than usual.
On the same day, I sent a snail mail to Portugal as well. I have a ballerina friend who attends a big ballet school in Lisbon. It was my first try to send a letter in Portugal. Unfortunately it never reached to her (so odd). I have no idea where it went because it did not come back at me neither.
I tried to send a small package to her in Lisbon, Portugal. The second try! This time, I got a tracking number so that I could see at least where the package was. Right? Also it's fun to see the moving anyway. It was so smooth to get out of the States and got into Portugal!
I was so thrilled seeing "Portugal" on a tracking list. Then it's stuck at the process of "customs clearance" since 12/5!! Since 12/5. Ouch, today is 12/17.... sigh. I know the only thing I can do is just waiting. Let's see if it could make it until Christmas Day.

The final week is over, professors are finishing up grading. And the winter break begins. Here, the temperature has been up and down, up and down. It looks very cold is coming again next Sunday. (It says low 17F and high 30F.) We were able to go biking outside. I just love pedaling outside.

Entry#339. 12/14/2024.
You might laugh this time. I’m gonna tell you about the several nights before our wedding day. (It was in 1999, so it’s 25 years ago.)
We lived in a tiny apartment in Okazaki (in the middle part of Japan). My home town is in the north part of Japan. My husband’s home town is in the west side. We just decided to have our relatives only to gather up in Okazaki for our wedding because it was the middle point for everyone (either from north or west.) It was like a private wedding ceremony without friends. It was a very traditional style at the shrine. I loved it. We were just young. Of course, there were lots of “fancy” selections for the ceremony and reception. We preferred the simplest way, so we did.
You might be very interested in this Japanese “custom” “tradition” called “hikidemono” 引出物 (ひきでもの).
Young myself, at that time, wanted to do this “hikidemono” tradition with my original idea. Not too fancy, but creative & fun. You know me, right?
In general, websites say like these.
Once the wedding is over, guests will receive a gift bag from the bride and groom called a hikidemono. Often containing sweets or other small items like coasters, sometimes there are more substantial presents included as well. The hikidemono is the couple’s way of thanking you for taking the time to celebrate with them.
You won’t leave the party with empty hands. The bag under your chair is for you! It’s a present from the couple called hikidemono, which is a traditional way for the newlyweds and their families to express their gratitude for your attendance on their big day. The gift usually contains sweets and other small objects, such as hand towels or decorations.
I went shopping to get photo frames with my favorite color and texture. I thought it was good for all relatives because they could use it whenever they wanted at home. It’s practical in many ways. (It could be used only once. Or it could be used for many years if they like.) I told my future-husband “We need to make our original drawing to put it in a frame.” Something creative, something representing us. We discussed and came up with an idea.
Here are things we needed. Black ink, red ink, white paper, brush, towel and water. We took our each footprints, his left foot with black ink and my right foot with red ink. I let him write a quote besides our footprints. A quote he had for us was ずんずん行こう。おー。It’s like “Let’s go! Yeah!” including meaning of “with our feet, stamping firmly on the ground.” So that’s why “our footprints”. Am I okay to explain about it?
We were satisfied with the result we created. Made 30 copies of it. Cut them up. Put it in a photo frame. Wrapped them up nicely with wedding touch. It was all ready just in time, it was the night before the wedding day(!) So I still remember I didn’t sleep enough the night before the wedding. But I was so excited and happy at the ceremony and reception.
Well, like I said, we were satisfied with the completion of the gifts. We were hoping everyone enjoyed it. Then we realized something we hadn’t thought about, several months after. A friend pointed out saying “Whose footprint is this? Whose baby?” looking at the photo frame with our drawing. (Yes, we kept one for us.)
Can you guess? We made reduced scale copies of the footprints drawing because we had to put it in a frame. So it didn’t look like adult’s footprints after all. Funny now. We didn’t see that way at all when we created it. See? We were young.
I’m not sure how many of our relatives still have it or not. Doesn’t matter. It was so much fun and our precious memory 25 years ago.
I still cherish this memory. Here it is. Our footprints 25 years ago.

Entry#338. 12/13/2024.
My mother is an artist. I think she always has been an artist as long as I remember.
Drawing on a tablecloth
Tapestry on a wall
Kimekomi dolls https://en.thebecos.com/blogs/column/edo-kimekomi-dolls-guide?srsltid=AfmBOoq7_11w_txHKIjmGYG93_NNDazx3zjeDnFz-wkELNWQuvKAr2vR
Japanese calligraphy (a high ranked)
A master of tea-ceremony
A master of Flower arrangement (Japanese traditional style)
Stuffed animal
Knitting children’s sweaters
Sewing children’s clothes
Etegami 絵手紙 えてがみ
Jyojyo-ka 抒情歌 じょじょうか local choir
Mola embroidery.
The list goes on and on, as you can see. Plus baking and cooking, of course.
We texted a few days ago. She told me “I am making Christmas cards right now.” It sounded so nice. Very festive, cheerful and wonderful. In my head, I was imagining “Hmmm she is writing messages on Christmas cards. Which design did she pick, I wonder???”
Then she sent me photos last night. My eyes opened widely quickly.

She “made” Christmas cards by herself from a scratch. It was beyond my expectations. Whoa. She must have been working on them so hard. Awww that is exactly HER indeed. She was born in 1944. I admire her a lot.
These cards are pop-up style. See Santa each cards? Santa is appearing when you open a card. Yes!! She made that part as well. Hurray for my mom.
She is a wonderful, thoughtful, kind, sweet, great artist always and for years to come. I wonder how much my father recognizes about that, about her. I wonder how much my brother and his family recognize about that. I keep wondering. And I keep telling about my mother to my husband and son repeatedly, again and again, because I would love to.
I have now ‘Japanese mind’ and “mind affected by American culture’, both of them. It’s a good thing. I want to show off how wonderful my parents are and how much I am proud of them, to the world!

It was my husband who introduced “Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation” to me after he became a paraplegic. I didn’t have much knowledge about Christopher Reeve, I knew a bit from the world wide news. (Of course, I know Superman.) So I’ve learned a bit by bit about this foundation and SCI research news.
I posted about his son before.
I became one of his big fans from that time.
Then now the documentary movie!! Some of you already watched it probably? I watched the trailer and cried awfully, tears poured down. It’s on my movie-wishlist. I must watch it.
The title: Super/Man: The Christopher Reeve Story
I highly recommend it even though I’ve not watched it yet.
Entry#337. 12/11/2024.
When my husband got a Postdoc job for the first time at KSU in Manhattan, KS, I got to see his professor’s wife. She is a wonderful, thoughtful and cheerful lady. She knew every lab members and she cared about family members as well. Then I thought “Could I be just like her as a college professor’s wife in future??” “I want to be just like her.” It was in 2001.
When my husband got a professor position here in Oxford, OH in 2008, I was still thinking about the same question “Could I be wonderful to my husband’s lab crews?”
Well, I do what I can do. That’s my motto. I’m grateful that my husband has been giving me opportunities to interact with his crews at our house twice a year.
After his injury, after he became a full-time wheelchair user, some settings had to be changed/adjusted. As I mentioned before, potluck parties or buffet style eating places are tricky to my husband. He needs his arms/hands to move around no matter what (imagine wheelchair mobility). Therefore if he uses hands to take foods and hold a plate, it’s hard to move around (change a seating spot) with a wheelchair.
In our house, it should be easier (you guess so?). It is still a bit challenging. He prefers to have a seating spot at the dining table, so he always gets. (It’s convenient for many reasons for a wheelchair user.) We don’t have a huge dining table. I cannot make table seating-setting for all guests unfortunately. Chairs are set by the wall as much as possible, but they are a bit off the table (away from the table).
What do you think happens in the situation that my husband is at the table alone and all chairs are sitting by the wall??? So awkward to everyone, I know.
This time, it was supposed to be 14 people all together. Guess what?? In fact, I had 8 guests. So we tried to squeeze all together at the table. And ta-da!!! For the first time ever, we had meals at the one dining table together without any problems. I got so excited about this phenomenon (you know?).
Before, my husband and a few guests only were at the table and others were by the wall a bit separately. That worked anyway.
Each of them has an own spot at the table(!) That is much comfortable for everyone. It was fun. And I bet everyone was smiling because of my excitement. (Overexcited.)
For your information, I post here “the menu list” for the party. Oh, yes, I cooked everything all by myself.
Quinoa salad.
Bean salad. (Recipe by Oxford, OH friend. JW)
Thai red curry rice casserole. (Thai)
French onion rice casserole.
Broccoli Masala. (Indian)
Potato casserole.
Miso Salmon. (Japanese)
Creamed corn. (Recipe by Manhattan,KS friend. TS).
Korean Japchae. (Korean)
Frito snack mix.
Fruits Custard Cookie cup.
Chocolate cavity-maker cake. (Recipe by Hamilton, OH friend. KT)

Entry#336. 12/11/2024.
Planning a party is always fun just like planning a trip. Sometimes I put up "quiz" on the wall, sometimes I make take-home snack bags, sometimes I have take-home gifts and so on. This time, I found "wind-up toys" which I love playing with. Then I wondered if young generations know how to play? So I decided to give it to my husband's lab crews at the party. I had two kinds. The ladybug flips(!)

Fun!! In fact, they all seemed to know how to play it. I was relieved. I was glad that they knew how it worked. Whew.
There was a sweet surprise as well. One of undergrad students (she is in senior year) gave my husband a tiny glass bead that she made by herself at college glass art class! She made a "ladybug" bead for him!! How sweet!
My husband pointed out that the bead matched the wind-up toy! What a coincidence. You love it?

We did it! My husband's Lab gathering 2024 Holiday "The End of semester party" was huge success (I can say that again, yes.) I have many thoughts in my mind about throwing a party in our house after we started a paraplegic life. I'll write more later. For now, I'm sharing a photo titled "This is us!" And I am proud of all of them very much.

Once the coldness comes and hits here, we always seek warmer temperatures. Because we still want to go biking outside. So we did at temperature over 50F. It was brilliant indeed. I was too excited and I got overtired when we were home. Typical me. Xenia station was decorated with Christmas wreaths and lights. It made me so festive.

I think I should try this bird feeder next time. What do you think?
And I see there are many types of them. Whoa.
One time, my husband discussed with our son about "Squirrel catapult/launcher".
Entry#335. 12/07/2024.
Do you have birds in your yard? Do you have bird feeders? Bird houses? Bird baths? I have feeders and many birds come to visit us. I love watching them very much. I didn't know much about birdseeds though. (Still don't know much.) I usually use white safflower seeds and black oil sunflower seeds. I tried some with peanuts in it. But I stopped because of squirrels! They are always hungry and steal seeds from birds. I know there are squirrel guards or baffles at stores. In these days I came up with a solution against squirrels. I brush oil on the pole (just plain vegetable oil). Squirrels cannot climb on the feeders because it's slippery. It really works well surprisingly. But this solution has a bit problem though. I need to repeat oiling after it rains. Well, I do it anyway. (I just don't want squirrels to break feeders. I know they are hungry and don't mind to share "some" seeds....)

Behold! The legendary cappuccino cups from Kofenya in Oxford, OH. I still keep them (it's been now 3 years 5 months....)
If you don't know about them, here is a story. https://stories.miamioh.edu/finding-a-way-forward
My husband's lab members change (it's the way University research labs work). Now all his crews are members who came to him after his injury. They don't know my husband without a wheelchair. To them, my husband is a paraplegic from the very beginning. They might not know about these cappuccino cups.

I'm having fun for decorating my house as best as I can because my husband's Lab gathering "The End of Semester Party" will happen next week. Last year, we lost Ranger (he passed away 12/07/2023) right before the party, we had to cancel it. So I think my heart is a bit overactive (or overacting). Fun anyway.
Plus I bumped into TMS math teacher and caught up with her on each other's life events. Love her smile. Wonderful coincidence.

I have a walking singing (shaking) reindeer toy. It looks this toy isn't available in the States anymore. (But they are on sale in Europe!) It made me feel lucky and made me smile huge.

Entry#334. 12/03/2024.
I’d love to take any chance to go to watch Musical Theatre shows because I am a Musical lover. Especially when one of cast members is from this town. (And I know her because of her brothers. She doesn’t know me much though. But I keep saying I’m a big fan of her.)
Unfortunately I cannot make to attend the show this time. I’d be there at the Opening night because I LOVE the Opening night and I should watch the Opening night show no matter what.
The show is “42nd street”.
Have you watched it before? Do you know this show? Is this very popular? Is this very classic?
I started listening to musics “original cast recording of 42nd street” when I knew the show was coming in December. So I have been listening for a month now. It’s so fun to listen imagining the show even though I have no idea how to do tap dancing. (It is the tap dance show indeed.)
I send a cheer to the sweet wonderful skillful musical singer/dancer. Good luck!!
I cannot forget mentioning about “her mother” who is the costumer in this production! Her job/skill is phenomenal, fantastic and magical. I admire her a lot.
I always find my favorite songs in the show beforehand. This time, I fell in love with two songs. Here, below.
"There is a Sunny side to Every situation" I'm loving this phrase very much.
Is this one related to 42nd street? Maybe not. Do you know?
Entry#333. 12/03/2024.
If someone ask me “Are you a traveler?”, what would I answer?? Hmmm.
I can answer “My husband loves to travel!” and “My son is a traveler!” They always love to “make plans” and enjoy the whole process from planning to concluding. They have done many adventures together. My son has done his own travels recently. So how about me?
I have to say this first. I don’t like “driving” much since I have a bad sense of driving. Poor me. But I still love exploring anywhere in the world if I have chances. I can say “my life has been fulfilled with lots of adventures thanks to my husband and son”. I always follow them. Even though I don’t make plans by myself, I learn a lot of things from the travels we do together.
They taught me about backpacking, camping out, outdoor rock climbing (top roping) and more.
Photo: This was my very first backpacking and camping out, a while ago.

After my husband’s injury and he became a paraplegic, the style of our adventures has changed very much. But my husband still makes plans for possible travels. I am grateful.
My sweet friends (including our son) share stories of places where they visited. I am thankful for their friendship very much. Seeing their travel photos is wonderful because I can imagine “what if I’m there” and be excited.
Recently our son shared stories about Seattle and Devil’s tower showing us the souvenirs.

I’ve not been there, both of places. (My husband knows Seattle.) I love his tiny coin purse of Seattle. But it made me think “Hmmm is Seattle a rainy city?” Well, I didn’t know that. Good to know.
Now I’m reading about Public market center The Pike Place Market (this name is on the purse, see?). Then I want to read about Devil’s tower next.
By the way, my mother (in Sapporo, Japan) shared her Europe trip stories when she was young. I think she was a stylish traveler.

Entry#332. 12/02/2024.
How is your city's temperature these days? Our town is COLD. It feels like 15F (or even under) in the morning. I feel bad for my husband as a wheelchair user because wheelchair's "metal" parts are way too cold to touch/grab. Did you know that? Can you even imagine? I learned that. Well, it's too cold to pedal outside. We are still wondering which temperature we can handle with Sunshine for cycling. Not sure yet.
Great news! My husband's winter season training is "set" tonight! It's a new setting than last season.
Here his first setting.

This is now. Do you see the difference between them?

I'm grateful that we still have our son near us. He was willing to help out for new setting. I know I need to do these stuffs all by myself eventually, I know.
Photo below. He demonstrated how to ride handcycle for our guest from Japan.

Entry#331. 12/01/2024.
Here is another story of “I’m such a geek” again. Because I got curious, searched deeply and found out something new with joyful satisfaction. Funny but fun.
First, I had to look back old old days, our Manhattan, KS time after our son was born in 2002. I purchased the singing/dancing snowman toy at Hallmark store in the mall. Have you seen it before? I forgot which year I bought it. I still have it with me in our household. I still love it. It looks not that old (yet). But it was on sale in 2003(!) when our son was almost 2 years old. (I searched YouTube about the info.) This year, it doesn’t move quite right though (a motor inside is worn out probably). But I’m glad it still moves and sings enough to spread smiles. It’s a bit unbelievable this toy is 21 years old! Whoa.

My husband asked me “So Hallmark still sells that snowman toy now?” Hmmm, I wonder. So I started googling/youtubing. And I reached out this video. You’d be amazed. See? Hallmark produced the series of “Singing Snowman” each year, every year, for a long time. Obviously there are serious collectors of these in the world.
The most shocking info to me was “The very FIRST version” was sold in 2003!! That is the version I have right now(!) I had no idea about it. This info made me so happy and feeling proud.
It sounds so squeaky and creaky when two snowman sing and dance. Hopefully they will keep working a bit longer. I keep loving this “antique/vintage” snowman. Do you have something that is over 20 years old?
And if you see this year's snowman 2024 at Hallmark store, let me know how you like it.
Photos below are from internet sites.

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