An old photo (above): I used to decorate middle school library bulletin board. Fun.

Entry#370. 2/27/2025.
My town is not big but it’s a wonderful university town indeed. Groups of people who I connect the most have changed as our son grows older. Now I see adult-friends and professor-friends more often. I don’t see youngsters, young athletes and young-singers, not much. Still, I love reading articles about local young people.
In these days, I’m excited and get curious when I see news about adult people in town. My interests change as my life style changes.
I found this video! (I know him!)
Then I thought back about him. I saw him at Goggin Ice center at the very first time. He was a hockey coach on the ice for tiny hockey players. His son played hockey. Our son was a kind of “I have no idea about hockey” beginner player.
I was amazed that a father of a hockey boy was coaching. At that time, I didn’t know about his work/job at all. To me, he was a “hockey coach” officially.
Then time passed. I read an article about Empty bowls event in town. It’s our town’s most famous meaningful event of all time now. I think I saw his name on it, learning he is a potter and he has his own pottery space (studio) in his house(!).
I met his wife for the first time a little bit after I recognized him as a hockey coach. One summer day I asked her “Is there any chance that my son can visit your husband’s studio to try using his wheel to throw a pot? Can he teach my son?” I think our son was an elementary school age. I sound so nosy, pushy and intrusive, don’t I? Yes.
(I’m embarrassed right now, thinking back about my action.)
They invited us gracefully. I was beyond grateful.
After that, to me, he was a professional potter.
Again time passed. Actually I had no idea about his university work until I found this video this time. Great to know. This kind of discoveries recently makes me wonder more and I love it.
Here are photos of bowls I purchased at the Empty Bowls event in 2016! See his signature? The other one has “his apprentice’s name”. I know her very much, too.
Ohhh, I wrote about these before, Entry#26 4/18/2022!

Entry#369. 2/26/2025.
It’s my husband’s 4th year of fulltime manual wheelchair life in this year (since summer of 2021).
I still have many questions and wonders about wheelchair stuffs. Simple questions. I know I could do Google search or YouTube search. But I always feel I want to ask away directly to paraplegic people if possible. However there is not so much chance in my daily life. I’d be happy if I had any chance.
This time, I’m thinking about “how to keep wheelchair wheels clean inside a house”. Think about your bicycle. You go cycling outside when a road is wet or has snow left on. Your bike wheels have dirt and water/snow on it. You bring your bike inside a house. Floors or carpets get wet (slippery) and dirty. You prefer to avoid that happens, or you wipe tires/wheels off.
To able bodied people like myself, it’s not so big deal to do that “clean or wipe wheels” no matter where or how. I can do it anytime.
To fulltime manual wheelchair users, it’s a bit different.
I have a great source video here.
They are my favorite couple. They created this video to show us “what to do when entering the house and not wanting to bring dirty wheel inside”.
They demonstrate several ways to do this independently and also an assisted variation.
Can you try to watch time 6:10?? That is the assisted version which I am really interested in (because I could be this assistance for my husband, right?).
I was surprised that she commented “It’s very easy” after she demonstrated. (I don’t think it’s easy to me.)
It is not that easy to both of us, my husband and me to try these. At least it’s good to know about these.
I love watching their YouTube channel very much. They want to show us how much paraplegics can still do and that there is life after paralysis! I am nodding a lot, a lot.
The last note. You don’t realize much but “salts” on roads in snow times are problematic for wheels. Wheels bring salts into a house…. Hmmmm. Now you know it.

The Sun is up and shining, my heart is dancing. Hmmm it feels the Spring is right there. I want to put some photos here. It's like "mom and me" photos.
Too bad that I only have old time photos. Still good ones. How about your town? Sun is shining?

Mom, dad and Mt. Fuji.

Aw, of course, I have a "dad and me" photo.

Entry#368. 2/23/2025.
Sometimes Social media (like Facebook) gives you some great information, ideas and tips. Last night my eyes caught something interesting. It said “Seed Library”(!). Have you heard of it?

It looks “you can borrow (check out) seeds from Public Library”. Really? Just like other books??
Sounds so wonderful and interesting, yes? So I did dig into details about it.
According to Wikipedia.
“The first seed library to be established in a public library was at the Gardiner Public Library in Gardiner, New York in 2004.”
Then now, “the number of seed libraries has grown to over 450 across the globe”.
Whoa, wow, wonderful! I had no idea about this until yesterday. Now more possibility is in my mind. This info made me feel joyful. Yay. Thank you.
Yes, I would love to visit my local public library to check out their system!
How about your local public library? Do they have Seed Library section?

Entry#367. 2/22/2025.
When we visit a new place, we are eager to try new foods which are originally from that area. It’s always fun.
Our son introduced us “Canadian poutine” after his ski trip to Whistler, Canada. I had no idea about it. Seems he enjoyed it pretty much.

So I did internet search for some recipes of Canadian poutine. Looks so interesting and I think I’d like it because I love potatoes.
Only one problem from recipes is “how to find good cheese curds” in town. Hmmmm. Do you know places?
I’d love to try to make it someday, somehow.
Do you cook these kinds of poutine in your kitchen?
Then it reminded me of our North Carolina life in the fall/winter of 2018. Yes, we lived in Chapel Hill, NC in short time as my husband's sabbatical stay. It was a wonderful memorable life there. Yes, we took our boy-dog Ranger with us at that time. Good old memories.
I discovered “Hush puppies” there!
I fell in love with it suddenly. Funny? After we came back home in Oxford, OH, I even tried to cook them at home. It was a fun cooking, I think I did a okay job. I liked it. Maybe I can make them again.
I do hope that our son can remember Canadian poutine he experienced forever, as one of his great Whistler trip memories.
photos: old photos in NC in 2018. It was a huge surprise that we had SNOW storm there. We were even able to build a snowman!!

Sometimes my dear wonderful friends check on me, sometimes they share an old photo with me thinking back our good old days. Today I received this photo from my professor-friend (the same department as my husband. He has 3 boys. His wife is a 1st grade teacher.) This photo is my all time favorite indeed. Can you spot our son? I really wish I could chat with them in this photo. They are now everywhere in the States.

In honor of my mother's birthday 2/22, here are some photos of her. Happy birthday!

Entry#366. 2/19/2025.
I love to hear about someone’s travel stories. Any places he/she travels would attract me very much. Even including Japan!
Our son traveled with his friend (and his parents) to Whistler, Canada to ski. It’s been so much fun to hear and discover about his ski trip and everything he saw and ate. He brought souvenirs from Whistler for each of us(!) That was such a great bonus indeed.
Local Coffee beans for my husband.
Whistler shirt for himself.
Inukshuk wall decor tile for me!
I’m happy for him that he had such a great ski experience in Canada. Wonderful.

So he taught me several things. I’m really into these new information about Canada and more. Do you know about Inukshuk? How about Canadian food, Canadian Poutine??!
I’m smiling to learn about these stuffs. Fun.
Did you know that birds are willing to sit on top of a ski pole at ski slope area in Canada?? Did you know that?
This surprised me a lot. Whoa.

And this photo made me smile more. The sign caught our son's eyes.

I'd like to write about Inukshuk and Canadian Poutine later. So if you are travelers, please share your travel stories sometime.

If you have a spare time, please check/read this story. I'm re-reading it again and again. It's kind of story I need to remember about wheelchair users vs airline companies.... https://newmobility.com/united-airlines-failure-traps-wheelchair-rugby-team-in-air-travel-hell-%E2%81%A3%E2%81%A3/
United Airlines Failure Traps Wheelchair Rugby Team in Air Travel Hell
It's HERE!!!!! Go ahead, laugh. (See 2/07/2025. Scroll down, please.) Our "experiment time" comes soon.

Entry#365. 2/17/2025. Nutrition & Spinal Cord Injury PART 2.
This is Part 2 story from 2/12/2025. Once my husband gained some weight back during the recovery time, he kept exercising his upper body, especially arms and shoulders. He knew the importance of arms/shoulders for paraplegic person. Then it happens he is faced with a contradiction. More upper body muscles, more total body weight. He needs to control his weight not to gain too much.
And we discussed about amounts of cholesterol, sugar, salt, and dairy to consume.
One time, we discovered “Impossible burger”. I wrote about it on Entry#88 11/10/2022. The video was very interesting. Since then, I have discovered some new stuffs.
I look at vegan/ vegetarian/ allergy-free/ non-dairy sections more than before. Once you are into this kind of food-world, it’s kind of fun to find something new. Funny. I’ve not heard about non-dairy yogurt before. Did you know there were non-dairy yogurts?

Then I tried those items one at a time to see if I like it as same as a regular item. If that’s yes, I could use it as an equivalent/ substitute food for our daily life.
I had both good and bad discovery.
I, personally, love sour cream. When I found non-dairy sour cream at a grocery store, I was surprised and I was excited a bit. Yes, I tried to buy it. However, unfortunately, it tasted very bad. Even putting it on tasty soup, it didn’t work. I was disappointed very much. Non-dairy cheese is tricky to use, but it’s still okay. I can manage to use it.
It’s simply great to know there are several items available at a grocery store for vegan/ vegetarian/ allergy-free/ non-dairy/ no-meat and more.
Oh, do you know about egg-replacer thing? That story will be at another time….

Entry#364. 2/16/2025.
When heavy rainfall occurs, I would get nervous because of our driveway. I know I need to repair (or re-do) a driveway (blacktop or concrete or anything) in future, someday. I know that. I cannot do it right away, anyway. I put it aside from my to-do list.
The worst part about our driveway is "not draining well" part. It creates a big pond, literally.
So far, we manage it. However today was totally different. We had heavy rain last night. Then it changed into snow this morning. Temperature dropped down also.
I don't mind to do shoveling snow. Our driveway was just like a "real pond", a pond with ice-surface. That means I cannot shovel it. I tried to shovel "ice" part of the surface, but it didn't work well.
I felt so bad wishing I knew "how to drain" rain water from a driveway...... (without a big repair construction) like a temporary quick one time solution.
See the photo? If there is a "pond" water there, my husband maybe cannot go outside with his wheelchair. (He would say if it could become a ice link, I could wheel over it.)

My husband gave me another "toy" for snow shoveling. It is an electric shovel! After we got huge snow storm, he purchased it. So it was my first try to use it today. I did shoveling at the back patio. It worked pretty well and I liked it.
However it doesn't seem to work on slushy watery snow. I couldn't make it with this at the front side, our driveway.
So my mind had both feeling today, joyful accomplishment with an electric shovel and unsolvable draining problem...

My husband is a movie lover, he knows most of genres except for love stories and rom-com. So after I got married, I watched many movies.
The other day, we talked about our top 3 movies of all times. Here are my top 3.
1. Scent of a Woman (1992).
2. Meet Joe Black (1998).
3. Apollo 13 (1995).
How about yours?
Entry#363. 2/14/2025.
I am into cycling lately and I’m loving it. Once you start learning about cycling stuffs, your eyes catch anything related to cycling/bicycle in daily life. It’s funny. Also you’d be happy when your husband gives you any information about cycling. Such a fun life. (Yes, you can laugh.)
My husband told me about Melbourne, Australia.
“Solar System Trail” (!)
It was built in 2008. 5.9 km = 3.7 mile biking/walking trail. I LOVE the idea of “biking through from Sun to Neptune (and even to Pluto)”. It’s 1 to 1,000,000,000 scale!

It reminds me of my working time at an elementary school. At the 5th grade hallway, students were making a long strips of paper pointing down each plants, our solar system by reduced scale. It was so much fun to watch they did. I remember that pretty well.
So this place attracts me very much because of combination of both cycling and “exploring solar system”. See? Are you curious, too?
Visiting Melbourne, Australia sounds a bit overwhelming and tough to myself right now (since we haven’t done air travel yet, with wheelchair). But my mind is still excited to imagine “what if we were there?”
Then I hit other information from other website.
Looks like we (=U.S.A) have two places with similar “solar system trails”! Did you know that?
1. Eugene, OR
Built in 1997(!!! that long ago?)
2. Washington, DC.
Built in 2001 (1 to 10-billion scale)
Okay, now, it’s more like “realistic” to visit for us someday in future. We might be able to drive there with his handcycle and my bicycle.
It’s fun to imagine about things on my wishlist. You know? My wishlist has been getting so long. It’s all good.

I thought the freezing temperature wave was finished coming here, but I was wrong. Well, I need to prepare for another single digit temperature next week. Cooooold. Stay warm, everyone. Happy Valentine's Day!
photos: looking at the Sun through my "frozen" car-windows.
Note: I noticed birds seeds could be frozen in a feeder. I didn't think about it.

And my PINK Christmas cactus on the Valentine's Day 2025.

Entry#362. 2/12/2025. Nutrition & Spinal Cord Injury PART 1
His hospital time was complicated just because unexpected complications = MRSA infection + sepsis, besides Spinal Cord Injury.
It would have been different significantly if that infection didn’t happen. But it happened. It would have been much easier to start Spinal Cord Injury life for both of us. I think back like that.
Because of that infection, he lost over 30 pounds of body weight. He was not supposed to lose that much weight from Spinal Cord Injury in that short period of time.
phptos: after losing 30 pounds.
P.S. If you are new to my blog site, here is a wonderful reminder of the sweet article about my husband by MU writer and photographer (our friends!). https://stories.miamioh.edu/finding-a-way-forward

So when he moved to the inpatient rehab hospital in Ohio, his “biologist” spirit had arisen. It looked obvious to me that he was thinking “I need to get back the weight I lost. I need to regain muscle (upper body). Then I can work on learning how to move around as a paraplegic.”
His determination was up high and strong. He had a his personal dietician at the hospital, visiting him every week to check his nutrient condition. She was amazed and impressed by my husband’s attitude and what he was doing (eating).
He knew already (before the accident) about “controlling intake calories and managing body fat and muscle” because he was really into rock climbing. So he was on his mission right away, asked me to bring certain things from home.
A huge container of Muscle milk powder
A big bag of Huel powder
(Are you familiar with those?)
He calculated calories and had these meals every day. Yes, that’s why his dietician was surprised and overjoyed about him.
He did a really great job during this inpatient hospital period.
To be honest, “gaining some weight back” process was nice and joyful. He started focusing on building up upper body muscles.
I was relieved when I saw his thinking-process and his training progress. That was Aug 2021.
He was right on track to gain strength and muscle (weight). He was satisfied what he was doing. I can say that.
Then I learned something different after a while we spent times as a paraplegic lifestyle.
Basically my husband’s body cannot have calories as same as able bodied people.
In general, for example, able bodied male, active (age 51) needs about 2800 calories.
On the other hand, paraplegic male (age 51) needs about only 1900-2000 calories.
Here is another explanation from guideline.
The average man needs around 2,500 calories a day to maintain his bodyweight. The average woman needs around 2,000 calories a day.
If you're a wheelchair user, it's likely you'll need fewer calories than these guideline amounts. This is partly because you tend not to use the large leg muscles. And having less muscle means fewer calories are needed to maintain a healthy weight.
To be honest, I was not a calculate-calorie-person at all and I was not a perfect wife. I just liked cooking and baking.
For a while I was a bit careless to manage his intake calories including fat and cholesterol. (Bad me). I have learned a bit by bit about new cooking style (less meat, less fat, less cholesterol and plus non-dairy).
Seeing my husband’s hard training for handcycle makes me think “He might need more protein?” So it’s very tricky and hard to provide him proper potion of food. Well, I will write about it next time.
I do admire people who manage limited dietary needs (allergy, diabetes, and more). Also I admire athletes, they know how much and when to take sugar, fat, carbs.

Aaaaaand it was huge huge success! Cherry thing-a-ling! One and only in Batesville, IN. See how much we enjoyed them? It was a good evening indeed. For the record, I will buy them again online next year. I will get two boxes!!
Note: Must toast it with oven toaster! (I tried several ways before munching it. Microwave. Room temperature. Oven toaster.)

It is HERE!!!! You should know how much I am excited right now and how high I am doing happy dancing. So much energy here. Awww you should come over here and feel the excitement. My funny online ordering story is here 1/13/2025.

Entry#361. 2/11/2025.
We have had two paraplegic friends in our house so far. I was a bit nervous having them inside our house, worrying "Is he okay with his wheelchair maneuverability?" Also I always check tables height and legs at coffee shops and restaurants. That is my every time routine now.
I wrote about "having a paraplegic guest" at three pages. Entry#246 (4/24/2024). Entry#260 (part1 5/27/2024) and Entry#263 (part2 6/02/2024. scroll all the way down).
Today, I saw this product on a social media. This looks so perfect and wonderful. How do you think? Wonder when our town would have this table somewhere in public? That would be super awesome.
Note: If I have an electric wheelchair user friend in my house, I need to rethink about accessibility for her/him. An electric wheelchair and a manual wheelchair are very different. Sizes, weights and mechanisms.
When you found out that the local high school musical show production was working on the spring musical show, your eyes would twinkle.
Yes! My eyes are twinkling now, thinking "Hmmm, I might be able to attend." The high school drama club website says "The next show is Little shop of horrors."

As I wrote before, it's been a while I left my school library job. Therefore I don't know much about current students. However I am a forever "Musical theater show" lover, that's true. My heart is dancing as well. There are several reasons why I want to go.
1. It's the nearest theater place I could go alone.
2. I have many great memories at this theater.
3. To tell you the truth, the original movie "Little Shop of Horrors" was my very first film that I watched in the movie theater in Japan when I was a kid!!
So let my new project begin until the opening night on 3/14. I would start listening to songs from the soundtrack which I found on a music app. I love a preparation time like this. My excitement would get increased gradually until the big opening night. Fun!!
Gooood luck to all THS production crews!
If you wonder how much I am into "theater world" (not acting role though), on 2/25/2023 entry, I wrote an interesting story. "A secret friend" stuff. (just like Secret Santa.)

Let’s celebrate for THS Mock trial team crews and coaches. They have qualified for states for the fifth year in a row!!!
Whoooooa. Congratulations! So exciting. The State competition will happen on March 6-8, 2025 in Columbus. I’ve been a big fan of them (kind of secretly) since year 2016-2017 (when I worked at high school library). I still remember how I was attracted by Mock trial members. I had no idea what they were doing at that time. I had no clue about High school Mock Trial program.
On their competition day, in that morning, they came into our library with formal suits. They were all suited up with professional looking clothes. I was stunned and amazed how well they looked. That was the start I got curious about them. Then I started sending a tiny cheer to them.
In January 2020 (right before Covid pandemic, right before the stay-at-home order) I asked the Mock head coach (the hardworking sweetest lady in town) “Can I go to see the competition with you, riding a bus with you and your crews?” I was into it that much. She accepted my offer generously. It became my unforgettable experience.
I still don’t get whole English words at trials. It’s just hard and complicated to me. But I still love to check about their cases each year. I understood the concept, their hard work and commitment. So I’m simply happy what they are doing.
I put an old photo from Jan 2020. Three coaches. When they were back at school from the competition.
I put videos as well. I love watching these. One of them in 2022, you can see it was “Zoom” trial which was really interesting to myself. And also I was way too impressed by Talawanda team’s performance. How they did it with the advantage of using Zoom Effect. They were so creative and had sparkling wit!
Go, go, Mock trial team!!
Here are (above) links of videos. Championship video seems private setting. I cannot copy and paste it. Just try to click links to watch them.

Have you heard about “Japanese jam jar lids close on their own, as if by magic!?” Like this video here.
My eyes are wide open and I now keep yelling “I want this, I want this.”
According to the article and videos, the lid really does close on its own, sometimes slowly and sometimes quickly.
You just place the lid on top of the jar, without twisting it, and it turns and closes at different speeds every time. It feels as if there was a magnetic force at play, although obviously there are no magnets involved.
Now you got curious? See? You want to try to do it, don’t you? I need to figure out how to get this brand jam here in my town. Hmmm.
Click here. https://youtu.be/HnUITkqKDnw?feature=shared
It explains a bit of "mechanism".
I'm originally from Japan, however sometimes I feel so embarrassed when I don't know Japanese cool stuffs. I need to learn more about details of the jam lid. When did it start? Does my family in Japan know about it?
If I could get it in my hand, I'd definitely show it off to my friends around here.
Wow, Japan is so interesting indeed.
How do you think about it?
We re-watched the movie “Life of Pi” the other night. My husband is a fan of this film. On the other hand, I was not sure either I was liking it or not at the previous time I watched it. Surprisingly I enjoyed it more than I expected. It was good.
I know this film is based on the novel “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel. I haven’t tried to read it even though I used to work at a middle school library.
Interestingly I do remember where this book was shelved in the school library, I still do. (I loved a shelver job really.)
Then we encountered the news about the theater show titled “Life of Pi”! Have you heard about it?
(I believe my mentor-friend is going to watch this show. I’m going to ask her how she likes it.)
It looks so interesting and amazing. That world-class PUPPETRY! Seeing them with our own eyes would be so special and exciting.

Entry#360. 2/05/2025.
I don’t watch Super Bowl. But I know it’s one of the most exciting games to watch in the States especially for American Football fans. It says the first game was played in 1967, 58 years ago(!).
And it seems Super Bowl TV commercials are always the centers of attention for people. Very interesting to me.

My husband pulled my attention talking about one commercial starring Cory Lee. I’m familiar with his name because he is the famous wheelchair user blogger = Accessible travel blog founder.
You would be amazed to know who he is, what he does, what his goal is and more.
His amazing website is here.
It looks a commercial of Google Workplace will be on with Cory Lee.
This page was written in January 9, 2025!
His words attracts my heart so much. I want to show his words here.
He says;
As a wheelchair user, I can stay at home and be comfortable for the rest of my life. But when you get out there in the world, maybe things don't go as they're supposed to, but you’re gaining so much insight. Travel teaches empathy.
And here, about a travel companion (I’m nodding and nodding;
I always have to travel with a companion because I do need assistance throughout the flight or going to the restroom or transferring into bed at night or showering.
And this makes me smile a lot;
But I love that feeling of being pushed out of my comfort zone and being able to experience something new.
This last one is the best quote from him. And I would imagine that my husband would say the same thing, yes, he would;
The general public of able-bodied people need to see wheelchair users living these amazing lives and traveling around the world, and it will really change perspectives.
Okay, so, if you watch the Super Bowl commercial of Mr. Cory Lee with Google Workplace, please let me know.
Our son update: He sent us a selfie photo from Whistler, Canada. Looks fantastic! I am jealous. (But according to the weather channel, it sounds very cold.) Sunshine looks perfectly gorgeous.

Oh, did you try this new flavor?? I guess it's a limited edition, you'd better hurry.

Entry#359. 2/03/2025.
I always enjoy discovering American customs/culture because I’m originally from Japan, born and raised in Japan. I’ve learned something different since 2001 when my husband and I moved to the States from Japan. School traditions fascinated me all the time when our son was school age. For example, at 8th grade. I asked “What is the 8th grade formal?” to other parents. I even didn’t know about homecoming and prom. Gradually my brain got filled with American traditions. And I’m loving them.
Then “wedding/proposal tradition” came up. In fact, I didn’t pay attention much about it because I was a married person and I didn’t need to know about it. At least at that time.
My husband’s apprentices (students) come and go each year here in Miami U since 2008. Some of them got engaged and got married (some of them had children).
I saw a dramatic proposal photo (of his student) on social media. (They live in Asheville, NC, now with one cute boy.) A bended knee proposal!
At that moment, I awed and wowed again and again. In my mind, I thought what a stylish romantic heroic act it was just like a movie. I was astonished. I don’t think that isn’t a standard thing in Japan.
I was grateful that I learned something different through my husband’s students’ life events.
See? More connecting with people, more learning something new.
It was fun to discover some American traditions because it’s different than Japanese traditions. However some ideas of them are very similar. So it’s very interesting to learn about them.
I wonder. To my dear friends near and far. Did your husband do these traditions?

In Japan, we have an old fashioned tradition called “Yuinou” 結納 (ゆいのう). My husband and I did not do it with serious version. We did casual one. At that time, with not much social media, I didn’t search much about how to do Yuinou. I didn’t get much information and knowledge about it. I was young. My husband brought his parents and one of his sisters to my parents’ house. It was our first in person meeting to get to know each other and to confirm our engagement. It went well.
After our 25th wedding anniversary, now I read all about a traditional ‘serious’ Yuinou ceremony on internet. My eyes are wide open about exchanging gifts part. Funny, isn’t it?
Yuinou is a traditional ritual between the families of the bride and groom. They exchange betrothal money and gifts. It typically takes place at the bride's family house, but sometimes in a private room of a traditional Japanese restaurant.
Today, Yuinou is getting more casual such as a family lunch or dinner at a traditional Japanese restaurant.
Here is an interesting part. Japanese love seeking meanings of words very much from old times. It’s Japanese spirit, I assume. Yes, I like it. However it sounds a bit odd sometimes nowadays to young generation, maybe. See? A seaweed for an engagement ceremony?!!
Historically, some popular gifts to exchange during yuinou included: konbu, a seaweedwhose name can be written to mean "child-bearing woman"; and a folding fan, which spreads to show future wealth and growth.
The main gift was money (about $5,000), tucked in a special envelope called a shugi-bukuro, which has gold and silver strings that are impossible to unknot.
And this paragraph below is very much accurate. The last part probably would make you chuckle?
For wedding ceremonies, Shinto-style (Japanese traditional style) ceremonies represent around ten to 20 percent of weddings. However, most couples prefer a Christian style ceremony at a chapel, even though they may not be Christians themselves.
I always say “Japanese people are an interesting kind of people.”
photo: our casual Yuinou gathering in 1999.

Weather was amazingly warm and nice today. We could not miss this chance to go biking outside. So we did. Did you notice that sunset time was a bit shifting later. All is good for biking.

Entry#358. 2/02/2025.
Happy Groundhog Day! (I like Groundhog Day because I love the movie “Groundhog Day (1993) very much. Do you?)
On this day, let me brag about our son. I have a “proud-mom” moment. He proudly announced his very first publication of his research paper to us. Yes, it’s published in the journal named “Zoologica Scripta”. It’s his undergraduate work with two great professors. They wrapped up their work after he graduated. I am happy for them. I am proud of him. Personally, to me, the research paper with his name as the first author is special indeed. Let’s celebrate!
photos: his poster presentation back then in April 2024 right before the graduation.

I sometimes do Google search for people’s names to get some basic information. Now when I type his name in Google search, his publication shows up. It makes me smile. Great.
I got curious then, I tried my name, too. I didn’t notice that we still could read the article (my very favorite one) which was written by a wonderful author = my teacher-friend’s daughter. It’s about me. Yes, I’m bragging about myself. Written in 2021.

Entry#357. 2/01/2025.
Discovering a new coffee shop in Cincinnati area is such a joy especially on a sunny day. Coffee Emporium (Over-the-Rhine store). (We know this cafe, but this location was new to us.)
And after I read through their website, this cafe attracted me more ever. This location started in 2002 (it’s our son’s birth year). The other one (Hyde park) was founded in 1973 (it’s our birth year!). Needless to say, cappuccino and cortado were delicious and perfect. Love it.
Additionally they have coffee bean bag labels of Charley Harper’s designs!!
Do you remember? We are a big fan of Charley Harper.
Great wonderful vibes are here in this shop. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. (Roasted eggplant sandwich was scrumptious indeed.)
Every time I see a ramp in a shop, it makes me smile. I am grateful.
Happy February to everyone!

Entry#356. 2/01/2025.
Can you tell me something about “Julia Child”? She must be a very famous wonderful chef, isn’t she? I’d love to learn more about her. That’d be fun. I saw the news by Cincinnati Museum Center (CMC), they will have a new exhibit about Julia Child!
It got me excited very much. Sounds so wonderful and fun. The exhibit will open till May.
I learned that there are two movies (one is TV series?) about Julie Child. Have you watched it?
Julie and Julia (2009).
Julia (2022).

I’m going to read this article from Newyorker.
I love watching these videos (below) again and again. So if you have some memories about Julia Child, tell me about it. Now I wonder whether there was a famous chef/baker from old times in Japan as well? I need to ask my mother about it. Was Julia Child famous in Japan, too??
How is your Christmas cactus doing in February? Look at mine. I assume this pink "lady" is trying to be ready for Valentine's Day showing off her PINK. Funny?

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